Grand Chase Wiki

The entirety of Aernas with various uncharted territories.

Aernas is the main setting of Grand Chase. It is a material world populated primarily by mortal beings such as humans, elves, and dwarves. Aernas has two major continents, Bermesiah and Ellia, with each featuring several regions. Another notable continent is the floating archipelago of Xenia where Silver Land, which is situated between the Kanavan territories and the peninsula of Ellia, was previously a part of.

With the original game reopening as GrandChase Classic, Aernas becomes the first world map that players explore followed by the newly added content expansion, Another World.


Aernas is simply one of many earthly realms in the vast array of dimensional worlds. Before the gods came, the world was inhabited by primitive humans, elves, and dwarves who had only just begun to establish their tribal communities.

It was given its name "Aernas" in honor of the deity Ernasis, the gods' representative to the world. It is also a parallel dimension to the Underworld, the realm of the dead.


Before Kounat was christened, the deities Ernasis, the Goddess of war and bravery, Lisnar, the Goddess of love and spirits, and Amenias, the Goddess of wisdom and harmony, descended to Archimedia. They chose humans, the most courageous and imaginative of all species, with which they would codevelop society. Together, they brought many sorts of life to the core region of Archimedia and formed a civilization of Celestials.

As a consequence of Baldinar's actions, the barriers separating the world from the different dimensions have weakened and continued to degrade, and the gaps connecting Aernas to the Underworld and other realms, such as the Demon World of Elyos, have steadily widened through time.

After the Great Explosion of Kounat, the continent of Xenia split off from Silver Land, and a gateway leading from Trivia opened in the uncharted lands of Bermesiah.



Aernas is a world with rich biodiversity where not only humans, beastmen, elves, and dwarves thrive but also where a wide range of life forms and supernatural beings can be found. Demons and other alien species that had been trapped in this realm had also learned to adjust and eventually rely upon its adaptable ecosystem.




  • In the game, Aernas had only been named as such after the character Zero was released.
  • It is said that the mana flow in Aernas is more unstable than in the Underworld.
  • It is said that the Ramblin Beastman race does not exist in Aernas.
  • It is said that there is an uncharted continent where the Tengu creatures live.
  • There is an armor set named after the world of Aernas called the Aernas Armor Set.


